This UDL application uses virtual serial ports as the communication interface to the Remote Manager. Once you have created two serial ports virtually linked, the UDL must be configured to open one port and a Remote Manager session configured to open the other port for communications to be successful.
The following configuration is used for when the ‘Direct cable connection’ option is selected to connect with a Panel. The routing is handled by selecting a site account\ID during the Remote manager session login sequence. This means that to change site connection you must logout of the session and re-login and select another site.
1) Run up Remote Manager.
<v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> <v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v> </v>
2) Click on the [Sessions] menu item and select the [New] menu item. RM will display a new [Session Configuration] page.
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDL2.PNG"> </o>
3) Give the new session a name by entering a name in the [Session Name] edit box.
4) Then click on the [Session Type] drop down list box and select WinLoad-RS232 from the list.
5) Click on the [SSH Server 1 IP] edit box and enter the IP address of PC that is running the SSH Server and WebWayOne’s MCT application.
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDL5.PNG"> </o>
6) Click on the [Save] button. Click on the [Modify] button and the [Edit properties] button. The following form will be displayed.
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDL6.PNG"> </v>
7) Make sure the settings are as shown and the COM port matches one of the virtual COM ports that are linked.
*Note: You may need to change the COM port to one of the virtual serial ports you created and selected for the RM to listen on. COM10 is the default port for all sessions using the serial interfaces.
**Note: You can use the same virtual serial ports for all your different UDL connections, but if you wish to use more than one UDL at the same time, you must set the COM ports for each session to be different.
1) Bring up the login box for the session
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDLLogIn1.PNG"> </v>
2) Fill in login details and press the [Login] button.
3) To add or remove entries on the list click on the [Advanced] link.
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDLLogIn3.PNG"> </v>
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxUDLLogIn3A.PNG"> </v>
4) Select and highlight your site and press the [Call] button to initiate a connection to the remote SPT and panel. If a connection has been successfully established, a live session will appear in the bottom pane of Remote Manager.
Default user code = master
Default password = 1234
1) Run up WinLoad
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL1.PNG"> </v>
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL2.PNG"> </o>
2) Select the [Setup] menu and [Connections...] item
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL3.PNG"> </o>
3) Select the [Direct connection] tab and select the virtual serial COM port linked to the port used by Remote Manager and press the [Close] button
4) Create an account or open one.
<v><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL4.PNG"> </v>
5) Select the [Information] tab and make sure that the values for [Panel ID] and [PC Password] match the panel values for section 3011 and 3012.
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL5.PNG"> </o>
6) As shown highlighted, select the [Direct cable connection].
7) Once the Remote Manager [WinLoad-RS232] session is up and running press the WinLoad [Connect] button. The following progress box will be displayed.
<o><img src="/assets/images/Panels/ParadoxWL6.PNG"> </o>
8) When the connection progress has finished and successful, the Red-Green lights at the bottom left of WinLoad will flash and text will provide status information on the connection.
9) To hang-up the connection, press the [Disconnect] button. This will cause the Remote Manager session to also close down.